Sunday, 7 October 2012


Hi everyone..... well this time I have a tips on how to shape your eyebrows on your own its simple and easier plus its low cost as well all you need is :

Slanted tips tweezers (slanted tips tweezers get as
close to the root as possible,
so you don't break hairs
in half and end up with pesky stubble) 


Pencil (use short quick strokes to fill in sparse spots and to define your shape. the colour should match your natural brow so it won't look obvious )

Scissors (the extra-pointy tips where it can snip hairs
one at a timeand the curvy shapemakes them really comfy to hold )


Trim on top find the perfect shape by combining brows up with a spoolie brush. trim the tips by using a small shaping scissors. trim any tips that rise above the rest of your brow.

Find where your brows should start by lining up the end of the brush with the inside bridge of your nose. Use  tweezers to pluck hairs, grab at the root and removing entire hair in one sweeping motion  tweeze hairs that fall on the other side between your brows

Hold your brush straight up along your outer iris, tilt it to 45 degree toward your temple that is the highest point of your arch should be, same thing use the tweezers to pluck the hairs below the brow bone. do not do too much otherwise the arch will be too thin.


To find the end of your eyebrow, create a line that begins at your nostril and continues past the outer corner of your eye. Remove and stray hairs that fall below your brush.

follow the steps as the pictures shown below:

Well I hope Ms. & Mrs have gave you so much of tips fashion wise and beauty wise and i hope this tips and information had helped each and every one.. have a good day :) 

                                                                                                                                      by Dna Dharshini   

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